Mission & Vision

The Keystone LifeSci Collaborative is a regional, Next Gen partnership of Southeastern Pennsylvania life science leaders and community partners.

With support from the American Rescue Plan’s Good Jobs Challenge, the mission of the Keystone LifeSci Collaborative is to provide a centralized system for Southeastern Pennsylvania life science and healthcare institutions and organizations to:

  • Do business better

  • Strengthen their workforce

  • Spur economic growth

On March 6, 2024, leaders from the life sciences industry across the Greater Philadelphia metro region convened to inaugurate the regional partnership. It was at this meeting that the five key priorities were identified:

Strengthening business to business connections

Initial focus on creating a robust site for industry to access centralized life sciences resources, including recommended service providers, life sciences events in the region, and professional forums.

Developing a coordinated strategy for building a talent pipeline

Initial focus on solutions to better connect university students to jobs at life sciences companies and to expand programs for skilled, sub-bachelor’s degree positions.

Raising awareness of life sciences careers

Initial focus on making it easier for companies to engage with existing career awareness programs and on building stronger partnerships between industry and the public partners leading those programs.

Marketing the region as a life sciences hub

Initial focus on refining a shared message about the strengths of the region that can be used consistently by public partners and industry.

Influencing Policy

Initial focus on improving access to capital for life sciences companies in the region.

About Next Gen Sector Partnership

The Collaborative is based on the nationally recognized “Next Gen Sector Partnership” model, active in over 100 regions and more than 20 states. It is the first of its kind in the Southeastern Pennsylvania region.

The Next Gen model departs from the traditional government-driven approach to workforce development where the public sector takes the lead and industry plays a reactive role. In the Next Gen approach, business leaders are proactive, stepping up to champion shared solutions together. Industry leaders draw on expertise and support from government and nonprofit partners to design solutions that strengthen the industry, grow good jobs, and expand equitable access to those good jobs.